CARRIE: the musical 2019
Iowa Thespian Festival Mainstage Performance
Based on Stephen King Bestselling Novel
Music by Michael Gore
Lyrics by Dean Pitchford
Book by Leonard D. Cohen
Directed by William Myatt

Director's Note
In choosing shows, we introduce students to different styles of theatre, but we also hope to pick shows with a message that resonates with out young people. We recognize that bullying and harassment is an issue facing many students today as it has for decades. Indeed, Carrie's mother was pressured into a physical situation when she was younger well before the show begins with the result being a mental unbalancing bordering on post-traumatic stress disorder. Carrie was originally produced on Broadway in 1988 (It bombed and has been re-written. The first high school production of the re-write took place in 2013.), while movies such as Rebel Without a Cause and To Sir, With Love came out in the 1950's and 1960's respectively. There are scenes in Carrie which showcase the insecurities that you people share. The show dispels the adage "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." Throughout the rehearsal process we have talked about the difficulty of standing up to those who bull for fear of being bullied oneself. We have talked about how words hurt in ways we fail to realize. The reality is those words do hurt and the damage they do oftentimes bring those who are bullied to dark places. We have talked about the importance of not making this a spoof, but losing our inhibitions enough to showcase what has become somewhat commonplace. We even see moments where to bullies regret their actions and work to right their wrongs.
During the pre-school teacher in-service there were numerous slides in the presentation that addressed the issue of bullying. Many of the students involved in the production have experienced bullying in the halls of PV. They get it. They know the hurt. And they want others to know they are not alone. It also shows high school educators as sympathetic supporters who are helping those bullied and giving consequences to those who don't treat others with respect.
Katherine Violet Harvath, a senior in high school, was involved in a production of Carrie at her high school and was quoted in a Huffington Post article as saying, "The cast and crew have had our eyes opened to try and make a change in the world to stop the idea of bullying." This is what theatre can do and how students can use a production as a positive springboard. A Playbill article published on February 28th, 2013 states: "The show examines the behaviors of and interactions among teenagers in a manner that will motivate powerful and important conversations in our Upper School," [Head of School Steven] Albert said in production notes for Carrie. When asked if bullying was a major behaviorial [sic] issue at Sandia Prep, he added, "While I am pleased that the issue of bullying is far less prevalent at Sandia Pep than at most high schools, it's an issue that needs to be addressed using a multi-pronged approach." Is bullying an issue at Sandia Prep? At Pleasant Valley? http://www.playbill.com/article/playbill-vip-spotlight-twenty-five-years-after-broadway-carrie-the-musical-makes-high-school-debut-com-202882
If we don't start the dialogue, we continue to just brush things under the rug. That is irresponsible. If we do not address these issues in meaningful ways and allow for open discussion, we do a disservice to our students. There is no better time to use the power and outlet the art of theatre than now.

Carrie White - Anna Marie Myatt
Margaret White - Lydia Cox
Sue Snell - Amy Oberhart
Tommy Ross - Brady Sexson
Chris Hargensen - Grace Engstrom
Billy Nolan - Ian Olderog
Miss Gardner - Leah Sanders
Mr. Stephens - Logan Croll
Reverend Bliss - Jared Jones
Frieda - Emma Engler
Norma - Addie Hegland
Helen - Rachel Lyon
George - Taze Wilson
Freddy - Matt Bolin
Stokes - Ben Curran
Female Interrogator - Uma Kasichainula
Male Interrogator - Caleb Swinney
Ensemble - Grace Almgren, Ebby Barber, Haprer Clark, Cody Connors, Tommy Glennon, Erika Holmberg, Braeden Jackson, Lola Johannsen, Jared Jones, Uma Kasichainula, Ethan Kilcoin, Leah Mendelin, Maegan Neil, Roger Pavey Jr., Lexi Pelzer, Delaney Riley, Rachel Schwartz, Abigail Shamrell, Caroline Sierk, Caleb Swinney and John Warndahl

Vocal Director - David Baxter
Choreographer - Christina Myatt
Pit Conductor - Brian Gartner
Assistant to the Director - Erin Klage
Costume/Hair/Makeup Designer - Connie Ross
Lighting and Sound Designer - Zachary Chaplin
Scenic Designer - William Myatt
Technical Director - William Myatt
Assistant Director - Siobhan Morley
Stage Manager - Bella Vondracek
Assistant Stage Manager - Vittoria Ripamonti
Dance Captain - Harper Clark
Set Head - Madeline Budan
Props Head - Laylon Baucom
Set/Props Crew - Mason Barnes, Miranda Croll, Erin Douglas, Emma Engler, Grace Engstrom, Addie Hegland, Braeden Jackson, Arissa Khan, Sam Kowing, Alexis Murdock, Anna Marie Myatt, Meredith Onions, Leah Pim and Lydia Wilson
Lighting Heads - Jared Jones and Uma Kasichainula
Electrics Crew - Grace Almgren, Jake Almgren, Miranda Croll, Logan Croll, Hayley Damitz, Tommy Glennon, Rylon Hall, Braeden Jackson, Ethan Kilcoin, Leah McCauley, Anna Marie Myatt, Meredith Onions, Lexi Pelzer, Megan Ripple, Ana Sanders, Caleb Swinney, Taze Wilson, Scott Zimmerman and Trevor Zimmerman
Sound Head - Quique Riojas Berazaluce
Sound Crew - Grace Almgren, Jake Almgren, Hayley Damitz, Tommy Glennon, Rylon Hall, Addie Hegland, Braeden Jackson, Ethan Kilcoin, Leah McCauley, Anna Marie Myatt, Lexi Pelzer, Leah Pim, Melody Rages, Ana Sanders, Tony Shamrell, Caleb Swinney, Taze Wilson, Scott Zimmerman and Trevor Zimmerman
Cosutme Heads - Jenya Loughney and Abigail Shamrell
Costume Crew - Grace Almgren, Alexis Belme, Cassel Friemel, Erica Heiselman, Elizabeth Hernandez, Maegan Neil and Caroline Sierk
Makeup Head - Alexis Belme
Makeup Crew - Harper Clark, Tommy Glennon, Grace Habben, Addie Hegland, Lola Johannsen, Ethan Kilcoin, Rachel Lyon, Anna Marie Myatt, Amy Oberhart, Lexi Pelzer, Delaney Riley, Hannah Ripple, Rachel Schwartz, Madison Serrurier, Brady Sexson, Chastity Smith, Emilee Stock and Taze Wilson
Hair Head - Laci Roberts
Hair Crew - Harper Clark, Lydia Cox, Tommy Glennon, Addie Hegland, Erica Heiselman, Ethan Kilcoin, Anna Marie Myatt, Amy Oberhart, Lexi Pelzer, Hannah Ripple, Madison Serrurier, Chastity Smith and Taze Wilson
Guitar - Madison Anthony and Don Salting
Cello - Madison Brady
Keyboard - Stacey Getting
Drum Set - Nick Hammes
Bass - Connor Miller