Night of January 16th 2006
by Ayn Rand​
Directed by William Myatt
Director's Note
Seldom does a seventy-plus year old play hold as much social significance and relevance as Night of January 16th holds for modern audiences. The ethics, or lack thereof, in business and government today makes headlines on a daily basis.
As we see the mortality of the pillars of society reflected through their actions, we are invited to examine our own convictions. In Night of January 16th, the audience is asked, in a very unique manner, to determine if Bjorn Faulkner was murdered or committed suicide. As both the Defense Attorney and District Attorney state, the verdict lies more in the soul of the jury than the evidence presented.
Defense Attorney Stevens - Ben Britz
District Attorney Flint - Aisha Ragheb
Karen Andre - Elise Johnson
Guts Regan - Kevin McMullen
Nancy Lee Faulkner - Lauren Lewis
Elmer Sweeney - Clay Ottman
Magda Swanson - Valerie Gilles
John Hutchins - Aaron Hewitt
Homer VanFleet - Adam Ragheb
Dr. Teresa Kirkland - Lucille Carver
John Graham Whitfield - Zach Metzger
Jane Chandler - Rachael Wilkinson
Sigrun Jungquist - Becca Swartz
Judge Heath - Thomas Bloom
Court Clerk - Katie McGeev
Bailiff - Devin Grask
Bailiff - Stephanie Hasakis
Court Reporter - Kelsey Francis
Technical Director - Mr. Tom Stephens
Assistant Director/Stage Managers- Jeff Rice and Valerie Thompson
Publicity Coordinator - Lisa Jones
Set Head - Sarah Oziemkowski
Light Board Operator - Gretchen Cleve
Master Electrician - Cody Morris
Sound Head - Clare McAndrews
Props Head - Jeff Ryder
Costume Head - Lisa Jones
Make-up Head - Stephanie Hasakis
Hair Head - Marla Claussen
Set Construction Crew - Rachael Wilkinson, Dani Grothus, Valerie Thompson, Anna Spaete, Jarrod Derooi, Katie Wall, Amy D'Camp, Caroline Holst, Gretchen Cleve, Kim Burken, Bian Elkhatib, Sarah Harmon, Michal-Marie Tillotson, Laramie Cobler, Jeff Ryder, Jeff Rice, Matt Hathaway, Alex Wilson, Tom Elsey, Alex Groh, Anna Tunnicliff, Abby Soenksen, Erin Traicoff, Hannah Kurth, Aaron Hewitt, Lisa Jones, Cody Tebbitt, Niels Haak, Korey Brookhart and Andrew Miller
Sound Crew - Betty Gibson
Costume Crew - Colleen Gould, Kim Burken and Stephanie Booe
Make-up Crew - Rachael Wilkinson, Britt Boyle, Betty Gibson, Katherine Coin, Kim Holmberg, Bian Elkhatib and Natalie Kostoglanis
Hair Crew - Shannon Carlson and Diana Rich