South Pacific 2002
Written by ​Oscar Hammerstein II and Joshua Logan.
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
Music by Richard Rodgers
Directed by William Myatt

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Nellie Forbush - Caroline Eckman
Emile de Becque - Josh Taylor
Bloody Mary - Katie Consamus
Luther Billus - Matthew Sheehan
Lt. Joseph Cable - Shane Simmons
Stewpot - Adam Cerny
Professor - Casey Kuhn
Captain George Brackett - Dylan Mooney
Commander William Harbison - Alex Hensel
Henry - Alex White
Liat - Jessica Pryor
Jerome - Christopher Giadrosich
Ngana - Brittany Carpio
Bob McGaffrey - Jeff Rice
Ensign Dinah Murphy - Jen Carney
Ensign Janet McGregor - Jessica Drish
Lt. Buzz Adams - Craig Barnes
Yeoman Herbert Quale - T.J. Gwin
Seaman O'Brien - Sean Flynn
Sailors - Sean Anders and Eric Peterson
Ensigns - Stephanie Booe, Marla Claussen, Brittany Crawford, Amanda Deutsch, Rachel Elsey, Liz Heard, Amanda Hewitt, Kim Holmberg, Elise Johnson, Kirsten Johnson, Lisa Jones, Karli-Rae Kerr, Molly Kuhn, Lauren Lewis, Jacinda Lyon, Stephanie Newport, Jacquelyn O'Briant, Rachel Rice, Kiley Seligman, Misy Singson, Jenny Smith, Emily Stensrud and Jessica Zimmer
Assistant Directors - Steve Berge and Jenn Holle
Lighting Head - Steven Platt
Lighting Crew - Anthony Johnson, Matthew Sheehan, Kim Milch, Tim Phelan and Amanda Deutsch
Sound Crew - Shane Simmons, Kelli Sutterman and Tim Phelan
Set Head - Steve Platt
Set Crew - Nick Bruns, Jennifer Berge, Katie Hennessey, Andy Wolfe and Cory McAnelly
Props Heads - Molly Kuhn and Anthony Johnson
Props Crew - Stephen Berge and Kriston McGuire
Costume Head - Jessica Schilb
Make-up Crew - Allie Kane and Philip Carpio
Hair Head - Jacinda Lyon
Hair Crew -Jessica Drish, Molly Kuhn and Jenny Smith