Sweet Charity 2012
Music by Cy Coleman
Lyrics by Dorothy Fields
Book by Neil Simon
Directed by William Myatt
Justin Bader - Dirty Old Man, Man Panhandler, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Manfred, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Sarah Bartlett - Girl, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, 2nd Woman, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Maddy Bawden - Helene, Fan-Dango Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Emily Beilke - Elaine, Fan-Dango Dancer, Rich Man’s Frug Dance, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Lia Bellomy - Fan-Dango Dancer, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Laurelin Berkley - Fan-Dango Dancer, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Reilly Bierhaus - 2nd Cop, Customer #1, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dance, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, John S./I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Celia Brecht - Fan-Dango Dancer, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Sarah Bubbers - Betsy, Fan-Dango Dancer, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Zach Chaplain - 1st Cop, Marvin, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Big Daddy’s Assistant, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer )
Liz Coin - Nickie, Fan-Dango Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Jacqueline Colarusso - Suzanne, Fan-Dango Dancer, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Christian D’Cruz - Spanish Young Man, Customer #2, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Big Daddy’s Assistant, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Alex De La Brere - 1st Young Man, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, Young Man, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Katie Dwyer - Ensemble, 2nd Woman Panhandler, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, Girl, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Sadie Fah - 2nd Woman, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, 1st Woman, Rhythm of Life Dancer, Hostess, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Siena Fah - Ensemble, Woman Panhandler, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, Hostess, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Thomas Griffin - Married Man, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, Police Man, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Megan Guest - Ensemble, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Information Booth Girl, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Levii Hildebran - Baseball Player, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Man Waiting for Elevator, Rhythm of Life Dancer, Male Customer #2, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Owen Hoke - Oscar Lindquist
Naomi Howze - Carmen, Fan-Dango Dancer, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Greta Klim - Woman With Dog, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, Herman’s Wife (duet partner)/ I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Abby Kurth - Charity Hope Valentine
Jacob Lund - 2nd Young Man, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, Young Man in Sweater, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Rachel McCracken - Fan-Dango Dancer, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Hannah McDonald - Fan-Dango Dancer, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Vivian Medithi - Vittorio Vidal, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Gina Mostafa - Woman with Hat, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Alice, Rhythm of Life Dance, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Hanna Murray - Rosie, Fan-Dango Dancer, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Alexandra Olsen - Ursula March, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Bethany Piotter - Frenchy, Fan-Dango Dancer, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer , I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Stephanie Richland - Fan-Dango Dancer, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Liz Schwake - Married Woman, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer, The Good Fairy
Phillip Tunnicliff - 1st Passer-by, Doorman, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, Male Customer #1, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Rishi Wagle - Herman, Rhythm of Life Dancer
Alec Walker - Charlie, Waiter/Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, Barney, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Colin Wischler - Ice Cream Vendor, 2nd Man Panhandler, Rich Man’s Frug Dancer, Rhythm of Life Dancer, Man for Rosie, I’m a Brass Band Dancer, I Love to Cry at Weddings Dancer
Props Heads - Samantha Kueter and Montana Watkins
Make-up Heads - Jackie Colarusso and Sadie Fah
Hair Heads - Jackie Colarusso and Bethany Piotter
Costume Head - Laurelin Berkley
Sound Head - Ben Roys
Master Electrician - Zach Chaplain
Lighting Assistant - Gray Bawden
Master Carpenters - Justin Bader and Reilly Bierhaus
Dance Captains- Julianne Delessio and Bethany Piotter