The Skin of Our Teeth 1999
Director's Note
The Skin of Our Teeth is a Pulitzer Prize winning play by Thornton Wilder. For lack of a better term. it is a comedy of errors and of life about George Antrobus, his wife and two children, their general utility maid, Lily Sabina, and all of Excelsior, New Jersey. George Antrobus is John Doe, George Spelvin, you or me--the average American at grips with a destiny, sometimes sour, sometimes sweet. The Antrobuses have survived fire, flood pestilence, the seven-year locusts, the ice age, the black pox and the double feature, a dozen wars and as many depressions. They run many a gamut, are as durable as radiators, and look upon the future with a disarming optimism. Alternately bewitched, befuddled, and becalmed, they are the stuff of which heroes are made--heroes and buffoons. They are true offspring of Adam and Eve, victims of all the ills that flesh is heir to. They have survived a thousand calamities by the skin of their teeth. Here is a tribute to their, and our, indestructibility. As John Steinbeck says through the character of Ma Joad in The Grapes of Wrath, "Why, we're the people--we go on."

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Announcer - Josh Taylor
Sabina - Whitney Bashor
Mr. Fitzpatrick - Brian McKenrick
Mrs. Antrobus - Erica Lewis
Dinosaur - Dan Hale
Mammoth - Greg Lipes
Telegraph Boy - Drew Drescher
Gladys - Amanda Hartter
Henry - Ben Klemme
Mr. Antrobus - Casey Campbell
Doctor - Chris Saito
Professor - Steve Vize
Judge - Mike Hoff
Homer - Dustin Sisson
Miss E. Muse/Bingo Caller - Andrea Dirksen
Miss T. Muse - Ashley Titman
Miss M. Muse - Morgan Troyer
Drum Majorettes - Sherra Lasley, Lindsay Meyer
Fortune Teller - Shaina Albin
Stamina Jackson - John Scott
Mr. Tremayne - Dan Underbakke
Hester - Shelly Youngvorst
Ivy - Stephanie Jones
George Bailey - Jared Mullendore
Woman in Audience - Antje Hildebrandt
Broadcast Official - Tony Pennuto
Conveener Chorus - Erin Consamus, Ashley Smith, Jennifer Holle, Pooja Chitneni, Shane Simmons, Emily Daugherty, Chad Sweatt, Philip Carpio, Adam Bowman, Scott Metz, Greg Johnson, Ange Vasquez, Adam Cerny, Dylan Mooney
AD/SM - Kelly Kuhn, Trisha McKenrick
Make-up Head - Erin Weiler
Lights Head - Mark Swanson
Sound Head - Paul Friemel
Set Head - Drew Larson
Rail - Derek Paper
Costume Head - Christina Danico
Publicity - Kelly Laas, Natalie Miller