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Drama Awards
Best Actor - Spencer Hering
Best Actress - Samantha Pauly
Best Supporting Actor - Cody Luebken
Best Supporting Actress - Regina Pauly
Best Character Actor - Taylor Truster
Best Character Actress - Kelsey McCauley
Best Newcomer - Caroline Kwan
Best AD - Laramie Cobler
Best SM - Jeff Ryder
Best Tech - Dani Grothus
Best Costume/Makeup - Rachael Wilkinson
Best Thespians - Dani Grothus and Cody Luebken
President - Hannah Kurth
Vice President - Kyle Woollums
Secretary - Daniel Witcik
Treasurer - Connor Quinby
Historian/Web Master - Nick Schurr
Publicists - Regina Pauly/ Kathleen Walter
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