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Drama Awards


Best Actor - â€‹Paul Hartsock


Best Actress - Missy Lehman


Best Supporting Actor -Brian Nelson


Best Supporting Actress -Marcia Svaleson


Best Character Actor - Paul Hartsock


Best Character Actress -Emily Agy

Best Newcomer - Jacob Spinsby and Ben Klemme


Best AD/SM - TeAnna Mirfield


Best Tech - A.J. Hoff


Best Costume/Makeup -Christina Danico


Best Thespians - TeAnna Mirfield and Emily Stille



President - Josiah Smith

Vice President - Paul Hartsock

Secretary - Alodie Larson

Treasurer - Erica Lewis

Publicist - Emily Stille

Historian - Jennifer Danico

Webmaster - TeAnna Mirfield


Pleasant Valley High School - Thespian Troupe 856

604 Belmont Rd, Bettendorf, IA 52722


© PVHS Department of Theatre 2020

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