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Spartan Showcase 2008
Actor's Nightmare Directed by Aaron Hewitt
George Spelvin - Cody Luebken (ITF performance) Aaron Hewitt (Large Group performances)
Sarah Siddons - Sam Pauly
Ellen Terry - Hannah Kurth
Henry Irving - Spencer Herring
Meg - Regina Pauly
The Gloaming, Oh My Darling Directed by Kim Burken
Mrs. Tweed - Person
Mrs. Watermellon - Person
Mr. Birdsong - Person
Nurse - Person
Son Watermellon- Person
Daughter Tweed - Person
Kids - Person
Grandson and Granddaughter Tweed - Person
WACIT Improv Team
Aaron Hewitt
Tom Elsey
Hannah Kurth
Spencer Herring
Caroline Kwan
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