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Love, Sex, and the IRS


by William Van Zandt​

Directed by William Myatt

 Director's Note 


Jon Trachtman and Leslie Arthur are out-of-work musicians who room together in New York City. To save money, Jon has capitalized on Leslie's first name, filing their tax returns listing the pair as a married couple. The day of reckoning comes when Floyd Spinner of the Internal Revenue Service informs the "couple" they're going to be investigated. Leslie is forced into masquerading as a housewife--with the aid of Jon's fiancée, Kate. Complicating matters further -- Leslie and Kate are having an affair behind Jon's back, Jon's mother drops in unexpectedly to meet her son's fiancée -- Leslie's ex-girlfriend shows up demanding to know why Leslie's changed and won't see her anymore – and the nosy landlord lets himself in whenever he pleases.



Jon Trachtman - Ryan Cerny

Leslie Arthur - Beau Smith

Kate Dennis - Amanda Hewitt

Floyd Spinner - Jeff Rice

Vivian Trachtman - Kelli Sutterman

Connie - Lauren Lewis

Mr. Jansen - Clay Ottman

Arnold Grunion - Devin Grask




Technical Director - Mr. Tom Stephens

Assistant Director/Stage Managers - Mindy Mappin and Meredith Tubbs

Set Head - Katie Hennessey

Lighting Designer - Gretchen Cleve

Assistant Lighting Head - Anthony Johnson

Sound Head - Tim Phelan

Props Heads - Jeff Ryder and Valerie Thompson

Costume Heads - Becca Swartz and Lisa Jones

Make-up Heads - Katherine Coin, Stephanie Hasakis and Misy Singson

Hair Head - Marla Claussen

Assistant Hair Head - Shannon Carlson

Set Construction Crew - Cody Morris, Anna Spaete, Sara Oziemkoski, Gretchen Cleve, Laramie Cobler, Aisha Ragheb, Elise Johnson, Misy Singson, Elizabeth Leuthauser, Kelli Sutterman, Kim Burken, Tom Elsey, Aaron Hewitt, Amanda Hewitt, Ian Jones, Jeff Ryder, Becca Swartz, Andrea, Sarah H., Anthony Johnson, Laruen W., Bridget P., Laura G., Eric Johnson, Rhino, Andrew Spinsby, Mindy Mappin, Lucille, Carver and Shawn Maxwell



Pleasant Valley High School - Thespian Troupe 856

604 Belmont Rd, Bettendorf, IA 52722


© PVHS Department of Theatre 2020

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