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Cinderblossom 1996
Directed by Sara Gray
Friendly-One - Rachel Royster
So-So Grumpy - Emilyn Jones
Sad Lotus - Zach Rocker
Prickly Pear - Eric Fritts
The Emperor - Drew Borcherding
Prime Minister - Josiah Smith
Dragon Boy - James Hall
Cinderblossom - Nina Napawan
Fairy Godmother - Amanda Shelton
Property Man #1 - Matt Cummings
Property Man #2 - Damon Johnson
Property Man #3 - Peter Strothkamp
Property People - Josh Gilliam, A.J. Paul, TeAnna Mirfield, Dan Underbakke and Megan Janssens
Assistant Director/Stage Manager - Joey Kothenbeutel
Lighting Head - Scott Ryder
Sound Head - Lindsay Smith
Make-up Head - Annie Paul
Publicity Head - Kristine McCulloh
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