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A Flea In Her Ear 2006

An adaptation of George Feydeau's Boulevard Farce by Frank Galati, from a literal translation by Abbott Christman

Directed by Mr. Myatt

Director's Note


  Farce is a difficult genre to portray well; yet, it is the staple of dinner theatres and summer theatres the country, perhaps the world, over. Farce employs the follies and foibles of human civilization as fodder for exaggeration and humor. It proves more of an acting challenge in farce than in other types of comedy to “find the funny.”

        A Flea in Her Ear is a classic French farce: written by George Feydeau in 1907 (originally entitled Boulevard Farce). It has been translated and retold by numerous people and has even served as the basis of a musical. Our adaptation is by Frank Galati of Chicago’s Steppenwolf Theatre. Join us on this unique, fast-paced journey through mistaken identities and revolving beds as we endeavor to “find the funny.”



Victor/Goshe - Clay Ottman

Yvonne Deboshe - Kelsey Francis

Lucille - Aisha Ragheb

Carlos Homenides de Histangua - Johannes Belstra

Blase - Daniel Witcik

Claude - Aaron Hewitt

Nanette - Hannah Kurth

Henri Martinet - Spencer Hering

Dr. Panache - Morgan Hoke

Olympia - Kelsey McCauley

Maher Ravvi - Grant Swanson 

Benedictine - Cody Luebken

Babette - Lucille Carver

Perrier/ Male Understudy - Conner Quinby

Panache's Guest/ Female Understudy - Claira Hart




Technical Director - Mr. Tom Stephens

Assistant Director - Jeff Ryder​

Stage Manager - Meredith Tubbs​

Lighting Designer - Laramie Cobler​

Sound Head - Katie McGee

Props Heads - Aaron Hewitt & Stephanie Zock

Costume Head - Colleen Gould

Make-up and Hair Heads - Stephanie Hasakis and Rachael Wilkinson

House Manager - Chris Johnson

Set Construction Crew - Johannes Belstra, Laramie Cobler, Ashley Daugherty, Dani Grothus, John Guberud, Sarah Harmon, Stephanie Hasakis, Aaron Hewitt, Cassie Hubbard, Sarah Oziemkowski, Jeff Ryder, Samantha Scannell, Anna Spaete, Kourtni Ulrich, Rachael Wilkinson and Stephanie Zock

Sound Crew - Clare McAndrews

Costume Crew - Kim Burken and Katie Wall

Make-up and Hair Crew - Amy Bay, Katherine Coin, George Coin, Bian Elkhatib, Valerie Gilles, Carolyn Holst, Emily Reinhart and Alexandra Skinner


Pleasant Valley High School - Thespian Troupe 856

604 Belmont Rd, Bettendorf, IA 52722


© PVHS Department of Theatre 2020

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