The Crucible 1993
by Arthur Miller​
Directed by William Myatt
Director's Note
It is well for us to consider Salem. It was a town, like any other, and a strange madness took hold of it. But is it stranger madness to hang a man for witchcraft than to hang him for the shape of his nose, the color of his skin, or the convictions of his mind? We are not superstitious, no. Well, let us be sure we are not. For persecution follows superstition and intolerance as fire follows the fuse. And, once we light that fuse, we cannot foresee where the fire will burn or what it will consume--any more than they could in Salem, so many years ago.

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Rev. Parris - Eric Suh
Betty Parris - Jessica Beck
Tituba - Charity Vesey
Abigail Williams - Jamie Johnson
Susanna Walcott - Sara Gray
Mrs. Ann Putnam - Hilary Hiles
Thomas Putnam - Andy Bichler
Mercy Lewis - Anne Sherman
Mary Warren - Liz Gray
John Proctor - John Sadowski
Rebecca Nurse - Andrea Johnson
Giles Corey - Rich Nelson
Rev. John Hale - Zach Day
Elizabeth Proctor - Barb Holub
Francis Nurse - Dan Klopp
Ezekiel Cheever - Jeff Wuorinen
Marshal Herrick - Thad Steffen
Judge Hawthorne - Colin Johnson
Deputy Governor Dansforth - Jeff Philips
Sarah Good - Sarah Lindmark
Hopkins - Nick Bondi
Set Head - Jake Sunderbruch
Lighting Crew - James Harrison and Mike Kelle
Sound Head - Brian Hiles
Costume Head - Jamie Gerdes
Make-up Head - Ginny Carstens
Props Crew - Rachel Synder, Lisa Dlouhy and Michelle Arrasmith