The Secret Affairs of Mildred Wild 2000
by Paul Zindel​
Directed by William Myatt
Director's Note
This madcap, bizarre comedy introduces Mildred Wild to the world. Mildred Wild and her husband Roy have lived in the tiny quarters behind their candy store in Greenwich Village for 23 years. They have shared this space with Mildred's 40-year collection of movie magazines and paraphernalia. When the outside world intrudes upon her through her landlady's seduction of her husband and the imminent destruction of her home and store through urban renewal, she escapes into her world of movies. Mildred addresses, the outside world through Gone With the Wind, King Kong, The Invisible Man, a Shirley Temple movie, and, finally, her own dream of the future for Roy and herself all adding to the merriment and, ultimately, to poignancy which fills the production and its kooky, lovable, and totally enchanting heroine, Mildred Wild.

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Mildred Wild - Whitney Bashor
Roy Wild - Casey Campbell
Bertha Gale - Sherra Lasley
Helen Wild - Maggie Godwin
Carroll Chatham - Mark Swanson
Sister Cecilia - Jessica Taylor
Miss Manley - Lindsay Meyer
Rex Bulby - Brian McKenrick
Construction Worker - Andy DeVries
Warren/TV Host - Josh Taylor
Evelyn/TV Hostess - Ashley Smith
Invisible Man - Ken Miller
Assistant Director - Andrea Dirksen
Stage Manager - Kelly Kuhn
Sound Crew - Shane Simmons and Steve Vize
Costume Crew - Jenn Holle and Stephanie Jones
Rail - Derek Paper
Make-up Crew - Erin Weiler and Ashley Pool
Props Head - Eric Svaleson
Lighting Crew - Casey Kuhn and Hannah Phares