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Variety Show 2006



Job - Person

Job - Person

Job - Person




Fundamental Franks and Beans - Chris Campbell, Zach Dewall, Thomas Bolkum Smith, and Philip Schishler

OH - Tychika and Dorshay Walker

Swing in the Mood - Chelsea Ellerbauch, Abby Russell, Jennifer Thompson, Divya Chitneni, Phylisha Emmerson, and Holly Wayland

Tiny Dancer - Jeff Rice

The McGuiness Trio - Zach Taylor, Ryan Davison, and Gavin Sutherland

Bass, Beats, Melody - Christine Stobaugh and Marla Claussen

Falcore -

Broken -

Ground and Air - 

Breakaway - 

Nutcracker - 

Jesus Take the Wheel -

Mullane Irish Dancers - 


Pleasant Valley High School - Thespian Troupe 856

604 Belmont Rd, Bettendorf, IA 52722


© PVHS Department of Theatre 2020

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