Eurydice 2020
by Sarah Ruhl
Directed by Roger Pavey Jr.
Director's Note
Thank you all for coming to see our take on the timeless love story of Eurydice and Orpheus and to support the hard work of our company on this special show.
Sarah Ruhl's modern take on the story, in a simple sense, is about love, loss, emotion, and relationships. Her play demonstrates what it means to love, the importance of platonic versus romantic love, the absence of emotion, and much more. It is filled with metaphor, symbolism and strange language and situation. But beneath the figurative aspects is a pool of meaning, and as a company, we demonstrated this meaning.
By casting gender blind, we were able to present love as a fluid entity in all forms, and not make it about gender. By setting the stage in alley format, we were able to mimic the flow of water and make the relationship from audience to actor more intimate. By doing all of this, and much more, we were able to tell this captivating story in a creative, fresh way.
I have had an amazing experience with this show, and I hope that, after witnessing this show, you take away thoughts on love and relationships and how human behavior works with love, through the filter of his theatrical piece and beyond.
Enjoy the show!
"Love is a big, funny word."
Eurydice - Anna Marie Myatt
Orpheus - Ebby Barber
Father - Leah Sanders
Man - Ethan Kilcoin
Child - Caleb Swinney
Big Stone - Lexi Pelzer
Little Stone - Alexis Belme
Loud Stone - Uma Kasichainula
Assistant Director - Grace Engstrom
Stage Manager - Madeline Budan
Set Head - Mason Barnes and Alexis Murdock
Makeup Head - Lola Johannsen
Props Head - Braeden Jackson
Hair Head - Laci Roberts
Lighting Head - Hayley Damitz
Sound Head - Erica Heiselman
Costume Head - Laylon Baucom
Dramaturg - Miranda Croll
Technical Advisor - Zachary Chaplin
Props/Scenic Painting Advisor - Erin Klage
Costume/Hair/Makeup Advisor - Connie Ross
Set Crew - Adam El-Zein, Arissa Kahn, Melody Rages, and Roger Pavey Jr.
Props Crew - Elizabeth Hernandez and Leah Mendelin
Lighting Crew - Meredith Onions
Makeup Crew - Alexis Belme, Morgan Brady, Tommy Glennon, Siobhan Morley, Lexi Pelzer, Rachel Schwartz and Lydia Wilson
Hair Crew - Lydia Cox, Tommy Glennon, Erica Heiselman, Lexi Pelzer, Abigail Shamrell and Bella Vondracek
Mentor/Advisor - Christina Myatt
Poster Designer - Roger Pavey Jr.
Program - Christina Myatt