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Honk! 2005

Book and Lyrics by Anthony Drewe

Music by George Stiles

Directed by William Myatt 



Ugly - Jeff Rice

Cat - Ben Britz

Ida - Becca Swartz

Drake - Andrew Spinsby

Bullfrog - Clay Ottman

Queenie - Amanda Hewitt

Lowbutt - Katie McGee

Penny - Lauren Lewis

Maureen - Aisha Ragheb

Henrietta - Lucille Carver

Gray Lag - Beau Smith

Dot - Elise Johnson

Grace - Stephanie Booe

Beaky - Devin Grask

Billy - Charlie Paul

Downy - Stephanie Hasakis

Fluff - Amanda Deutsch

Barnacles - Adam Ragheb

Snowy - Jessica Zimmer

Pinkfoot - Abigail Soenksen

Mother Swan - Marla Claussen

Father Swan - Ryan Cerny

Bewick - Kim Holmberg

Turkey - Sean Anders

Maggie Pie - Kelli Sutterman

Floor Manager - Liz Leuthauser

Cameraman - Aaron Hewitt

Ensemble - Rachael Wilkinson, Liz Leuthauser, Elyse Kurtz, Cody Leubken, Aaron Hewitt, Alex Tomesch, Kirsten Johnson, Andrew Betzel and Korey Brookhart




Technical Director - Tom Stephens

Vocal Director/Choreographer - Christina Myatt

Music Director - Nicolas Propes

Assistant Director/Stage Managers - Misy Singson and Meredith Tubbs

Set Head - Katie Hennessey

Lighting Designer/Fly Head - Anthony Johnson

Sound Head - Tim Phelan

Light Manager - Cody Morris

Props Head - Jeff Ryder

Costume Head - Lisa Jones

Make-up Head - Stephanie Hasakis

Hair Head - Marla Claussen

House Manager - Chris Johnson

Publicity Coordination - Liz Leuthauser

Assistant Light Manager - Gretchen Cleve

Assistant Props Head - Dani Grothus

Assistant Costume Head - Colleen Gould

Costume Head - Sarah Oziemkowski, Tom Elsey, Valerie Thompson, Jeff Ryder, Kim Burken, Lisa Jones, Rachel Wilkinsen, Laramie Cobbler, Katie Wall, Abigail Soenksen, Cody Morris, Gretchen Cleve, Ian Jones, Luke Jones, Sarah Harman, Lucille Carver, Andrew Spinsby, Jeff Rice and Anna Spaete

Shift Crew - Valerie Thompson, Ian Jones, Anna Spaete, Sarah Oziemkowski, Tom Elsey and Lisa Jones

Costume Crew - Katie Wall, Katie McGee, Kim Burken, Beau Smith and Stephanie Griesbach

Make-up Crew - Katherine Coin, Britt Boyle and Betty Gibson

Hair Crew - Liz Leuthauser, Diana Rich and Shannon Carlson



Pleasant Valley High School - Thespian Troupe 856

604 Belmont Rd, Bettendorf, IA 52722


© PVHS Department of Theatre 2020

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