Little Red Riding Hood 2018
by Yevgeny Schwartz.
Directed by Olivia Peters

Carla - Beate Sprindzuka
Zach - Roger Pavey Jr,
Chris - Maegan Neil
Little Red Riding Hood - Leah Sanders
Humpty - Matthew Bolin
Black Sheep - Alyssa Paulson
Rose Red - Ebby Barber
Simple Simon - Logan Croll
Emperor - Enrique Riojas Berazaluce
Big Bad Wolf - Odin McDonald
Moe - Robert B. Williams
Squealer - Lola Johannsen
Curly - Sam Nowell
Two of Spades - Jared Jones
Four of Diamonds - Joe Dilley
Bertha - Katie Bullock
Prunella - Liv Bohren
Granny - Brooklyn Carlson
Old Woman - Laci Roberts
Mother Goose - Michaela Whitten
Mother Hubbard - Sarah Thomas
Pied Piper - Taze Wilson
Mary Mack - Rachel Schwartz
Mary Lamb - Emma Engler
Mary Contrary - Uma Kasichainula
Assistant Director - Sophia Dahm
Stage Manager - Jimmy Guest
Master Electrician - Odin McDonald
Master of Sound - Enrique Riojas Berazaluce
Master Carpenters - Hayley Damitz and Brenner Stickney
Makeup Mistress - Abbey Jones
Hair Mistress - Cassidy Kilcoin
Props Mistress - Molly Dippel
Costume Mistresses - London Bicknell and Jei Valle-Riestra