Moving Fast 2021
Written and Directed by Taze Wilson
Mentored by Francis Dunbar
Assistant Director and Stage Manager - Caroline Sierk
Dramaturg - Morgan Webb
Directors Note
“Over our heads will float the Blue Bird singing of beautiful and impossible things, of things that are lovely and that never happened, of things that are not and that should be. But before this comes to pass we must cultivate the lost art of Lying.” - Oscar Wilde, The Decay of Living, 1891
This has been a beautiful process. A difficult one, but a production full of so much love and joy. I am eternally grateful to have been trusted by my mentors and peers. To my company: thank you for bringing this to life. It was just a dream and your hard work and love made this show a reality. I wrote this script for you, the people that have helped me realize the true cure for loneliness. Look around you. Hold close the ones you love. Don’t miss those precious smiles, those spaces of silence that are filled with divine love. Do not move too fast, or you will miss out on what truly matters. Slow down and take time to love. That is the real cure for loneliness. Thank you for four wonderful years.
Taze Wilson
Company List
Jack Dorsey - Charles Budan
Evan Williams - Caleb Swinney
Noah Glass - John Warndahl
Jason Goldman - Ethan Kilcoin
Biz Stone - Erica Heiselman
Crystal Taylor - Leah Mendelin
Fred Wilson - Jared Jones
Bijan Sabet - Ebby Barber
Om Malik/Peter Fenton - Ben Curran
Rabble/Coach Campbell - Ryan Sondgeroth
Greg Pass - Ian Olderog
Zuck/Dick - Cooper Swihart
Sara Williams - Kylie Brees
Gabba/Ensemble - Uma Kasichainula
Meg Hourihan/Ensemble - Rachel Schwarz
Erin Glass/Ensemble - Pratima Khatri
Ensemble - Maegan Neil
Ensemble - Lukas Shamrell
Ensemble - Abigail Shamrell
Props Coordinator/Program - Erin Klage
Costume/Hair/Makeup Designer - Connie Ross
Lighting and Sound Designer - Rishi Wagle
Technical Director - Brigham Shamrell
Set Head - Madeline Budan
Props Head - Lydia Wilson
Lighting Head - Miranda Croll
Sound Head - Zack Guest
Costume Head - Kylie Brees
Hair and Makeup Designer - Lydia Cox
Publicity Heads - Braeden Jackson and Erica Heiselman
Lighting Crew - Charles Budan, Braeden Jackson,
Jared Jones, Joshua Nelson, Logan Croll
Sound Crew - Ava Burmahl, Tommy Glennon
Costume Crew - Elizabeth Hernandez,
Isabella Hernandez, Pratima Khatri, Abigail Shamrell
Publicity Crew - Ben Curran, Laney Derrer,
Isabella Hernandez, Pratima Khatri, Elizabeth Hernandez
Projection Crew - Logan Croll, Braeden Jackson
Spotlight Operator - Meredith Onions