The Theory of Relativity 2020
Book written by Brian Hill
Music and Lyrics by Neil Bartram
Directed by Christina Myatt
Vocal Director - David Baxter
Orchestra Director - Brian Gartner
Assistant Director and Stage Manager - Bella Vondracek
Assistant Stage Manager - CC Vondracek
Directors Note
The Theory of Relativity. E=mc2 . Science. But, a musical about science? Not surprising for those who have studied Einstein. He was a gifted violinist who often said if he had not pursued science, he would have been a musician. “I see my life in terms of music,” he said. He wanted his science to be unified, harmonious, and to convey a sense of beauty of form. The science of Einstein’s theory tells us that time and space are linked and that the rate at which time passes depends on your frame of reference. We watch our children grow - time seems to move quickly. We wait for an opportunity to gather with our friends and family again - time seems to drag. Presenting a musical in the middle of a pandemic with students being live and online has been quite the adventure! There are challenges- masks, inability to do another student’s hair or makeup, costumes which must be placed in garment bags to lessen the number of touches, the need for socially distanced blocking which continues to isolate our students. There are also advantages - the ability to have two casts that can learn from each other and “see” how two people can interpret the same material differently yet equally well; the ability to create a safe space where students can tell their own stories, relate to one another, and know they are supported. When we started rehearsing, we spent a day talking about science, this show, and what we wanted our audiences to walk away with. The overwhelming response was hope. In each of our lives, we experience outside pressures, we struggle with being our true selves, we love, we lose, and sometimes we experience abuse at the hands of others. But we are not alone in those things. We are all humans who, in navigating the road of life, have experienced all of the things these characters will share tonight. The stories are different and yet, they are the same. In knowing that, we realize we are all connected by the highs and lows that life gives us; that together we are a community of dreamers, fighters, lovers, and adventurers. Einstein said, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” And so we do. Together. With hope for brighter days ahead. Knowing that we need those that we meet along our path as they help us to discover who we really are. “I am nothing without you. And I hope it’s true, that you’re nothing too without me.” (The Theory of Relativity) ~ Christina Myatt

Company List
Blue Cast
Ryan/Mike - Ben Curran
Paul - Caleb Swinney
Oliver - Tommy Glennon
Anthony - Joshua Nelson
Adam - Zack Guest
Amy - Erica Heiselman
Caroline - Tais Araujo
Catherine 1 - Elly Huhn
Catherine 2 - Kylie Brees
Jenny - Maegan Neil
Julie - Uma Kasichainula
Mira - Leah Mendelin
Sarah - Emma Engler
Grey Cast
Ryan/Mike - Ian Olderog
Paul - Mason Neil
Oliver - Braeden Jackson
Anthony - John Warndahl
Adam - Aiden Rasso
Amy - Harper Clark
Caroline - Lydia Cox
Catherine 1 - Abby Shamrell
Catherine 2 - Ebby Barber
Jenny - Ava Burmahl
Julie - Rachel Lyon
Mira - Caroline Sierk
Sarah - Grace Engstrom
Props Coordinator/Program - Erin Klage
Costume/Hair/Makeup Designer - Connie Ross
Lighting and Sound Designer - Rishi Wagle
Technical Director - Brigham Shamrell
Set Head - Arissa Khan
Props Head - Kaden Green
Lighting Head - Miranda Croll
Sound Heads - Jake Almgren
Makeup Head - Ava Burmahl and Rachel Lyon
Hair Designer - Laci Roberts
Publicity Heads - Braeden Jackson and Erica Heiselman
Lighting Crew - Kaden Green, Rupika Jai Ganesh, Jared Jones, Meredith Onions
Set Crew - Jasmine Barnes, Mason Barnes, Charles
Budan, Madeline Budan, Emma Engler, Kaden Green, Jared Jones, Meredith Onions, Lukas Shamrell
Props Crew - Leila Assadi, Selah DeVore,
Isabella Hernandez, Elizabeth Hernandez, Lexi Pelzer
Sound Crew - Celia Vondracek
Costume Crew - Ariana Assadi, Grace Engstrom,
Cassel Friemel, Elizabeth Hernandez, Braeden Jackson, Abby Shamrell
Publicity Crew - Jasmine Barnes, Grace Engstrom, Elizabeth Hernandez, Alene Keppy,
Alea Smith