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The Velveteen Rabbit 2021

Written By Janet Allard

Directed by Laci Roberts

Mentored by Christina Myatt

Assistant Director and Stage Manager - Miranda Croll

Assistant Stage Manager - Madison Cox

Directors Note


I knew from the moment that I joined the Pleasant Valley Spartan Drama Department that I wanted to direct a show my senior year. Over the years I narrowed it down to wanting to direct the Children's Show. The Children's Show slot meant so much to me because I remember sitting in the black box when I was in 3rd grade watching big high schoolers create something amazing. But the question that stumped me- what
show? To answer this question, I started to look at my bookshelf to find what I loved as a child. I happened upon The Velveteen Rabbit. This was the book my mother read to me every night before I went to bed. As I grew up, I fell in love with English lop bunny rabbits with big, long floppy ears. I played with my stuffed animals and toys to try to love them all enough so maybe one day they could become real. I always knew that they could become real and hop around the forest. On one fine spring day, I remember finally convincing my mom to get me a rabbit with big, long floppy ears just like the Velveteen Rabbit. I was a little disappointed because this rabbit was alarmed with my overwhelming love for her. She hopped away from me more then I got to hold her. But nevertheless, my love for rabbits has lasted to this very day as I continue to always have a bunny rabbit hopping around the house. I knew that I wanted to share this story with a new group of kids that might just love their toys enough to make them real. I hope that there is a child out there watching this show that just might gain the same love for theater that I did.

-Laci Roberts


Company List


Skin Horse - Maegan Neil
Boy - Aidan Rasso
Velveteen Rabbit - Jae Jepsen
Nana - Ebby Barber
Wind Up Ballerina/Magic Fairy - Katelyn Morris
Model Boat - Caleb Swinney
Model Airplane - Charles Budan
Wooden Lion - Tommy Glennon
Toy Soldier - Ava Burmahl
Doctor/Wild Rabbit - Braeden Jackson
Sam/Furry Rabbit - Selah DeVore

Props Coordinator/Program - Erin Klage

Costume/Hair/Makeup Designer - Connie Ross

Lighting and Sound Designer - Rishi Wagle

Technical Director - Brigham Shamrell

Set Head - Madeline Budan

Props Head - Braeden Jackson

Lighting Head - Meredith Onions

Sound Heads - Zack Guest 

Costume Head - Grace Engstrom

Hair and Makeup Designer - Harper Clark

Publicity Heads - Braeden Jackson and Erica Heiselman

Lighting Crew - Charles Budan, Celia Vondracek

Sound Crew - Rupika Jai Ganesh

Set Crew - Mason Barnes, Kaden Green,
Pratima Khatri, Jared Jones, Samantha Kruse

Props Crew - Kaden Green

Costume Crew - Selah DeVore, Elly Huhn, Alene Keppy

Hair and Makeup Crew - Mallory Carslake

Publicity Crew - Elly Huhn, Pratima Khatri

Pleasant Valley High School - Thespian Troupe 856

604 Belmont Rd, Bettendorf, IA 52722


© PVHS Department of Theatre 2020

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